Om Melesio - Melesio Engh Arild har 30 års erfaring fra investeringsbank og operativ virksomhet. Fra 2001 til 2019 ledet han investment banking i ABG Sundal Collier. Utdannet sivilingeniør Norges tekniske høgskole og Høyere Avdelings eksamen Norges Handelshøyskole. Roy Myklebust Roy har 23 års erfaring som partner i investment banking i ABG Sundal Collier.
Corporate governance - ABG SC Engh joined the firm in 1993 and has been head of the Investment Banking Division since 1999. He is now a member of the Board of ABGSC. Before joining the firm, he was involved in the cruise and oil service sectors. Executive Committee Jonas Ström CEO Jonas Ström joined the firm in 2011 and is today CEO.
Arild A. Engh | Nordic Capital › people › all-peopleArild A. Engh Arild A. Engh Senior Advisor Nationality Norwegian Biography Arild was appointed Senior Advisor to the Nordic Capital Funds in 2019. He has been a Partner at Melesio Capital since January 2018 and is currently a board member of ABG Sundal Collier ASA and various non-listed companies.
Arild Engh Net Worth (2022) | wallmine GB › lse › 0izmMar 01, 2022 · Arild Engh biography Arild Abel Engh has been Director at ABG Sundal Collier Holding ASA since April 26, 2017. He was Head of Investment Banking Division of the Company from 1999 until around September 1, 2017. He was also Member of the Executive Committee at the Company until around September 1, 2017.