70 Centimeters (420-450) MHz Band Plan
home.ctspectrum.com › band plans › 420-mhz70 Centimeters (420-450) MHz Band Plan 420.000 - 426.000 ATV Use with a 421.250 MHz Video Carrer & Control links,Experimental 426.000 - 432.000 432.000 - 432.070 EME (Earth-Moon-Earth modes) 432.070 - 432.100 Weak Signal CW 432.100 70-CM SSB Calling Frequency 432.100 - 432.300 Mixed Mode & Weak Signal 432.300 - 432.400 Propagation Beacons
ARIZONA 70 CM BAND PLAN - azfreqcoord.org
www.azfreqcoord.org › bp › 70cmbpARIZONA 70 CM BAND PLAN 440.00000 MHz – 449.97500 MHz Arizona adopted the ARRL UHF band plan with minor changes and additions. This listing is provided to assist in identifying specific sub-band usage. Please consult your state ARCA Frequency Coordinator for help finding suitable repeater frequencies.
Band Plan - ARRL
www.arrl.org/band-plan9 cm Band Plan Notes. Note 1 – Includes all other emission modes authorized in the 9 cm amateur band whose necessary bandwidth does not exceed the suggested bandwidths listed. Note 2 – Weak Signal Terrestrial legacy users are encouraged to move to 3400.3 to 3401.0 MHz as time and resources permit.
ARRL 70cm Band Plan - AR15.COM
www.ar15.com › forums › outdoorsOct 03, 2014 · As far as 70 cm goes, follow the ARRL band plan under 440 MHz, the VHF-FM Society's band plan above 440. Some states have negative offsets (Colorado) as well. 445-447 should be free of repeaters in most places, however there are repeater links there. 446 is the FM calling freq as mentioned.
Band Plan - ARRL
www.arrl.org › band-plan9 cm Band Plan Notes. Note 1 – Includes all other emission modes authorized in the 9 cm amateur band whose necessary bandwidth does not exceed the suggested bandwidths listed. Note 2 – Weak Signal Terrestrial legacy users are encouraged to move to 3400.3 to 3401.0 MHz as time and resources permit.