Artificial intelligence and machine learning › wp-content › uploadsARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING: THE NEXT GENERATION 8 Classification and prediction Classification is the process of designing a set of models to predict the class of objects whose class label is unknown. The derived model may be represented in various forms, such as if-then rules, decision trees, or mathematical formulas.
Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning: What’s the ... › graduate › blogMay 06, 2020 · Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are terms that have created a lot of buzz in the technology world, and for good reason. They’re helping organizations streamline processes and uncover data to make better business decisions. They’re advancing nearly every industry by helping them work smarter, and they’re becoming essential technologies for businesses to maintain a competitive edge.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) vs. Machine Learning | Columbia AI › ai-vs-machine-learningArtificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are often used interchangeably, but machine learning is a subset of the broader category of AI. Put in context, artificial intelligence refers to the general ability of computers to emulate human thought and perform tasks in real-world environments, while machine learning refers to the technologies and algorithms that enable systems to identify patterns, make decisions, and improve themselves through experience and data.