ASK Cardiology Australian Streptokinase trial in stroke. A trial that asked if streptokinase administered within four hours of acute ischaemic stroke alters subsequent morbidity a
1 ask for someone Say that one wants to speak to someone. ‘when I arrived I asked for Katherine’. More example sentences. ‘One French client asks for a Canadian airman because he ‘prefers the [Québécois] accent.’’. 2 ask for someone Scottish Inquire about the health or well-being of someone.
Definition of ask for. : to request to see or talk to (someone) Unhappy with the service, he asked for the store manager. There's someone on the phone asking for you.
ask for Definitions and Synonyms · 1. (ask for something) to speak or write to someone because you want them to give you something · 2. (ask for someone) to say ...
1. to try to obtain by requesting: he asked for help. 2. (intr) informal to behave in a provocative manner that is regarded as inviting (trouble): she's asking ...
Definition of ask for ... : to request to see or talk to (someone) Unhappy with the service, he asked for the store manager. There's someone on the phone asking ...
Define ask for. ask for synonyms, ask for pronunciation, ask for translation, English dictionary definition of ask for. vb 1. to try to obtain by requesting: he asked for help. 2. informal to behave in a provocative manner that is regarded as inviting : ...
Definition and synonyms of ask for from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. This is the British English definition of ask for.View American English definition of ask for.. Change your default dictionary to American English.
1 ask for someone Request to speak to someone. ‘An elderly man answered the door and, when Setisia asked for Astell, requested her name.’. ‘Natasha, forcing a sly smile, asks for the host.’. 2 ask for someone Scottish Inquire about the health or well-being of someone.
1 ask for someone Request to speak to someone. ‘when I arrived, I asked for Katherine’. More example sentences. ‘An elderly man answered the door and, when Setisia asked for Astell, requested her name.’. ‘Natasha, forcing a sly smile, asks for the host.’. 2 ask for someone Scottish Inquire about the health or well-being of someone.
Proven methods: Learn faster, remember longer with our scientific approach. Personalized plan: We customize your experience to maximize your learning. Strategic ...
Also, ask for it. To persist in an action despite the likelihood that it will bring trouble on oneself, as in Speeding as much as he does, he has been asking ...
ask for. vb ( preposition) 1. to try to obtain by requesting: he asked for help. 2. ( intr) informal to behave in a provocative manner that is regarded as inviting (trouble): she's asking for trouble; you're asking for it.