04.02.2015 · Asking for directions is the first thing we do when we arrive to a different country, or even when we are just trying to find a place. Knowing how to ask for them can make our life so much easier! The way we ask for directions may affect the answer we get. Luckily, Canadians are known for being very polite and helpful.
Here is some useful vocabulary for asking for directions in English - and also for giving directions. You can use these phrases in a business context. Asking for directions Use these phrases when you're asking for directions from another person. For example, if you have a meeting in their office you can ask: "How do…
Asking and Giving Direction in English · straight. · along the road. · down there. · down or walk down the street. · up or walk up the street. · straight along this ...
02.07.2010 · Asking for directions is important, but it's also easy to become confused when listening to someone giving directions.This is true even in your …
Use “please” when you ask someone to give you directions. It's polite, and will normally get you what you want! Asking for Directions. Choose the correct answer ...
Asking for and giving directions vocabulary. It is on the left. It is on the right . It is straight on. opposite. near. next to . between. at the end of Oxford street. on the corner of James road. at the end of Stanley Street. Behind the Petrol station. in front of the Mall. just around the corner from here. Landmarks you can use when giving directions
What is your English level? Take our short English test to find out. · “How do I get to …” – This is the simplest way to ask someone for directions. · “Could you ...
24.07.2019 · Learn how to ask for and give directions to someone, using certain words and phrases. You will also learn in this video what to say when you want to check in...
Giving directions. In the same way that you need to ask directions when you travel abroad, foreigners visiting your city might ask you directions, and what better way to practice English than to help them? 🙂. Here are some common phrases you can use: Go past the cinema. (Pass the cinema.) Go along this road. Go straight on/ahead.
Asking for Directions · How can I get to …? · Where is the …? · How far is the … from the …? · Is there a … around here? · Could you tell me how to get to …? · How do ...
Asking for Directions ... 1. Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the museum? 2. Excuse me! How do I get to the post office? 3. Pardon me! I'm lost. How do I get ...
29.11.2021 · How to Ask for Directions in English -50 Ways to Ask. Asking for Directions in English! Learn some brilliant ways to ask for direction in English. Learn how to ask for direction in English with some easy-to-understand English phrases.