Nature Astronomy › natastronNature Astronomy is a Transformative Journal; authors can publish using the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access. Our Open Access option complies with funder and...
The Astronomical Journal - IOPscience › journal › 1538-3881The Astronomical Journal is an open access journal publishing original astronomical research, with an emphasis on significant scientific results derived from observations. Publications in AJ include descriptions of data capture, surveys, analysis techniques, astronomical interpretation, instrumentation, and software and computing.
The Astronomical Journal - IOPscience Astronomical Journal is an open access journal publishing original astronomical research, with an emphasis on significant scientific results derived from observations. Publications in AJ include descriptions of data capture, surveys, analysis techniques, astronomical interpretation, instrumentation, and software and computing.
Home : American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
www.astronomyjournal.orgSep 03, 2021 · The special issue is a collection of articles dedicated to one chosen topic within the scope of the journal. It should contain the latest work on that subject. If a special issue is organized successfully, it can be a unique and valuable reference source for every researcher interested in that area.
Astronomical Journal - AAS Journals › astronomical-journalThe Astronomical Journal publishes original astronomical research, with an emphasis on significant scientific results derived from observations. Publications in AJ include descriptions of data capture, surveys, analysis techniques, astronomical interpretation, instrumentation, and software and computing. Learn More History