15.05.2019 · the _amp_stash attribute should be created after amp.initialize was called on the optimizer. Based on your code, it looks like you are calling this line afterwards: optimizer = hvd. DistributedOptimizer ( optimizer, named_parameters=para_model. named_parameters ())
14.11.2021 · Or use TensorFlow 2.5 or later. If you are using TensorFlow version 2.5, you will receive the following warning: tensorflow\python\keras\engine\sequential.py:455: UserWarning: model.predict_classes () is deprecated and will be removed after 2021-01-01. Please use instead:* np.argmax (model.predict (x), axis=-1), if your model does multi-class ...
08.06.2019 · AttributeError: 'SGD' object has no attribute 'apply_gradients' Describe the expected behavior I'd like to set Keras model's run_eagerly property to true so that I'd be able to step into custom-defined loss functions when being in eager mode when using SGD as an optimiser.
31.03.2019 · Tensorflow 2.0: Optimizer.minimize ('Adam' object has no attribute 'minimize') Ask ... 17k times 6 For my Reinforcement Learning application, I need to be able to apply custom gradients / minimize changing loss function ... var_list=network.weights) AttributeError: 'Adam' object has no attribute 'minimize' tensorflow ...
Using a native optimizer (AdamOptimizer) I can't get ReduceLROnPlateau to work, but it does work using an optimizer from tf.keras.optimizers. Only TF native ...
08.03.2017 · Hi all , I actually installed the lastest version of PyTorch on a new computer (0.1.10) and noticed that the grad seems to be a bit faulty : x=torch.Tensor(5,5).normal_() x=Variable(x,requires_grad=True) print(x.grad.data) AttributeError: 'NoneType' …
tensorflow Computing gradients with Tensorflow 2.4.1: 'KerasTensor' object has no attribute '_id' - Cplusplus ... AttributeError: 'KerasTensor' object has no attribute '_id' when computing gradients using custom loss function in a lambda layer. Describe the expected behavior.
Python answers related to “AttributeError: module 'tensorflow._api.v2.train' has no attribute 'AdamOptimizer'” · AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute ' ...