01.08.2014 · This way, tdEnter is not the Button, but the return value of grid, i.e. None. Try this instead: tdEnter = Button (ToDoFrame,text="Add Task",command=tdTaskAdd) tdEnter.grid (row=TDrow+2,column=1) Same for label and when you create a new button in your tdAddTask function. BTW, no need to add a new button each time, just call it's grid method to ...
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'grid_remove'. I have only done a little work with Tkinter and I enjoy using it but as with any type ...
1 dag siden · make it global, there is really no way to retrieve values from functions that are called by a Button from that Button (I mean it is not impossible to create a button that would be able to do this, but it is much easier to just use global (or OOP))
You currently have vsl equal to the return value of the grid method of Label . Furthermore, this method always returns None (hence, the NoneType in your ...
27.02.2015 · Why does the prophecy imply Macbeth has to murder the king? Rust program to one hot encode genetic sequences from .fa files What game is …
Answers. seperate the grid method and it will work. Every function in Python needs to return something and if nothing is returned 'None' will set by default. So your variable will become myLabel = None. Now that you know why that is bad behavior your should also …
Here we discuss the introduction, attributes, methods, and examples of Python Tkinter Entry along with Outputs. The code snippet for the example of the text ...
I have only done a little work with Tkinter and I enjoy using it but as with any type programing it takes time to learn. I am trying to create a simple To ...
23.08.2021 · AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ebuild' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last):
07.11.2021 · Solving problem is about exposing yourself to as many situations as possible like Tkinter: AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute and practice these strategies over and over. With time, it becomes second nature and a natural way you approach any problems in general.