Aug 05, 2019 · 1 Answer. You are getting AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'something' because NoneType means that instead of an instance of whatever Class or Object you think you're working with, you've actually got None. It means that an assignment or function call up above failed or returned an unexpected result.
Oct 02, 2015 · 11. This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. .execute () just executes the query and does not return anything. It is up to you how you are going to fetch the results (ex: iterator, fetchall (), fetchone () etc.) >>> cursor.execute (sql_list_schemas) >>> list_schemas = cursor.fetchall () --. Similarly,
09.04.2015 · I am getting the following error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'sqlite_db' offending line: top.sqlite_db = sqlite_db. from champNotif_v2 import app from flask import _app_ctx_stack, g import sqlite3 def get_db(): """Opens a new database connection if there is none yet for the current application context.
06.11.2018 · AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetEngines' #407. tmsz opened this issue Nov 6, 2018 · 11 comments ... in _setup_engines AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetEngines' Script Executor Traceback: System.MissingMemberException: ... at PyRevitBaseClasses.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript ...
15.06.2015 · AttributeError: 'MySQLCursor' object has no attribute 'commit' How does it come, and where does it go wrong? I try to connect with MySQLWorkbench. EDIT: Now I get the following error: mysql.connector.errors.DatabaseError: 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
Apr 10, 2015 · I am getting the following error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'sqlite_db' offending line: top.sqlite_db = sqlite_db. from champNotif_v2 import app from flask import _app_ctx_stack, g import sqlite3 def get_db(): """Opens a new database connection if there is none yet for the current application context.
May 21, 2014 · 5 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'something' while saving . I have very simple model - I have save override for it - Now when I try to save the Item using shell_plus (Item object is imported along with al ...
14.11.2019 · I try to read from a flowfile and update a record value using default value in csv. To that I have used `ExecuteScript` processor with following python code in it. import sys import re import traceback from import IOUtils from import StreamCallback...
I installed and try to run iotawatt HACS custom component for Home Assistant and I'm running into the following issue. @gtdiehl asked me on the issue on the other repo to open the issue here too: Logger: custom_components.iotawatt Source...
May 30, 2018 · I am trying to run a python script that logs into Amazon Redshift DB and then execute a SQL command. I use a tool called Airflow for workflow management. When running the below code, I am able to l...
05.08.2019 · You are getting AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'something' because NoneType means that instead of an instance of whatever Class or Object you think you're working with, you've actually got None. It means that an assignment or function call up above failed or returned an unexpected result.
Nov 06, 2018 · AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute ... 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetEngines' Script Executor Traceback: System.MissingMemberException ...