python - PIL library Image.fromarray() causes ... · This script creates a flat list of R, G, B, A values. It uses a Python 3 bytes object, so it won't work properly on Python 2.. from PIL import Image maxval = 255 width, height = 400, 300 # Display size info size = width * height fmt = 'Width: {}, Height: {}, Pixels: {}, Bytes: {}' print(fmt.format(width, height, size, size * 4)) # Make a 2D gradient that starts at black in the …
python - AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute ... · 5 Answers5. Show activity on this post. You return four variables s1,s2,s3,s4 and receive them using a single variable obj. This is what is called a tuple, obj is associated with 4 values, the values of s1,s2,s3,s4. So, use index as you use in a list to get the value you want, in order. obj=list_benefits () print obj [0] + " is a benefit of ...
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'norm ... › JDAI-CV › fast-reidJul 21, 2020 · predictions : (tensor([[ 0.6046, 0.0634, 0.4175, ..., -0.0750, 0.1236, 0.4572], [ 0.2269, -0.1961, 2.4648, ..., -0.1642, -0.4620, 0.5130], [-0.1538, 0.0130, 0.4385 ...