05.09.2018 · Hello. I'm using Python3 and have the following code. I'm getting 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cursor' when I'm trying to use mysql.connection.cursor(). What's wrong with that? Please take to consideration, that I'm using accordin...
05.02.2018 · import pyodbc conn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=QueryBuilder') cursor = conn.cursor() stringA = "SELECT GrantInformation.Call FROM GrantInformation" cursor.execute(stringA) rows = cursor.fetchall() Its worked fine for years, but all of a sudden it has stopped working today with the following traceback:
Psyscopg 2 / PostgreSQL - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'fetchall' Close. 1. ... [deleted] 1 year ago. Psyscopg 2 / PostgreSQL - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'fetchall' conn = psycopg2.connect(database="postgres", user="postgres", password ... db_cursor.execute does not return a value so x will be None ...
Jun 16, 2017 · I Ctrl+C'd out of the initial pgAdmin4 setup aka. python pgAdmin4.py and now if I try to rerun the install, I get a mountain of errors. I'm using pgAdmin3 for now but I would like to know how to fi...
It is up to you how you are going to fetch the results (ex: iterator, fetchall (), fetchone () etc.) PEP-2049 states that return values are not defined for .execute () method so database connectors may return something different than None. (ex: a boolean flag indicating whether sql command has been successfully executed or not) However, one ...
Jan 09, 2020 · AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_empty' when trying to set new CRS Hot Network Questions Do you worry about using certain words too frequently in your research paper?
AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'mogrify' I have already installed the 64 bit installer for psycopg2 in my windows machine. Any thoughts on …
I have no clue what may be the problem. Passing wrong password gives and error, so I assume the connection is established correctly (or not). Also, SQL command is taken directly from pgAdmin.
Oct 02, 2015 · 13. This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. .execute () just executes the query and does not return anything. It is up to you how you are going to fetch the results (ex: iterator, fetchall (), fetchone () etc.) >>> cursor.execute (sql_list_schemas) >>> list_schemas = cursor.fetchall ()
Feb 06, 2018 · import pyodbc conn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=QueryBuilder') cursor = conn.cursor() stringA = "SELECT GrantInformation.Call FROM GrantInformation" cursor.execute(stringA) rows = cursor.fetchall() Its worked fine for years, but all of a sudden it has stopped working today with the following traceback:
Sep 05, 2018 · Hello. I'm using Python3 and have the following code. I'm getting 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cursor' when I'm trying to use mysql.connection.cursor().