Whatever queries related to “module 'matplotlib' has no attribute 'xlabel'”. attributeerror: 'axessubplot' object has no attribute 'xlabel' · axessubplot' ...
28.07.2016 · AttributeError: 'AxesSubplot' object has no attribute 'ylabel' which is possible if I did it by not using subplot plt.figure (figsize= (7, 4)) plt.plot (df ['Close'], 'k-') plt.grid (True) plt.legend (loc=0) plt.xlabel ('value') plt.ylabel ('frequency') plt.title ('Histogram') locs, labels = plt.xticks () plt.setp (labels, rotation=25) plt.show ()
Example: module 'matplotlib' has no attribute 'xlabel' use: "import ... AttributeError: 'AxesSubplot' object has no attribute 'xlabel' code example ...
30.07.2018 · Your problem is the way you are creating your axes, as "plain" matplotlib axes instead of axes equipped with a projection. You can pass on additional arguments to plt.subplots() using the subplot_kws= argument, which will then be passed on to each individual Axes object.. The following is adapted from the answer you provided, with the function …
13.11.2021 · valethang82: Hi…. So g currently is an AxesSubplot object. The figure you need to assign as fig (the object with the .savefig method and the object you need to return) can be accessed with g.figure. Replace that line with fig = g.figure and that’s fixed! I ran the tests with your draw_bar_plot () function….