17.11.2021 · Solution 1. df ['a'] returns a Series object that has astype as a vectorized way to convert all elements in the series into another one. df ['a'] [1] returns the content of one cell of the dataframe, in this case the string '0.123'. This is now returning a str object that doesn’t have this function. To convert it use regular python instruction:
18.12.2021 · Method 2. split () is a python method which is only applicable to strings. It seems that your column “content” not only contains strings but also other values like floats to which you cannot apply the .split () mehthod. Try converting the values to a string by using str (x).split () or by converting the entire column to strings first, which ...
Oct 22, 2016 · Hello, I think I have all the dependencies in place, I can launch python (version 2.7) and successfully import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import scipy.io import argparse import struct import time import cv2 import os However, wh...
I don't usually advocate using fewer functions, but in this case everything you've done is really just initialization, and this avoids the name conflicts:
09.10.2018 · It seems that your column "content" not only contains strings but also other values like floats to which you cannot apply the .split() mehthod. Try converting the values to a string by using str(x).split() or by converting the entire column to strings first, which would be …
Oct 30, 2021 · With most of these kinds of applications, you'll have to roll much of your own code for a statistical classification task. As Lucka suggested, NLTK is the perfect tool for natural language manipulation in Python, so long as your goal doesn't interfere with the non commercial nature of its license.
... given type of object responds to a method at runtime , and if it doesn't , an error is raised : AttributeError : ' ComplexNum ' object has no attribute ...
Jul 28, 2016 · >AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'lower' (in a lowercase dataframe) 0 AttributeError: module 'torchtext.datasets' has no attribute 'text_classification'
The root issue is confusion of Python lists and NumPy arrays, which are different data types. NumPy methods that are invoked as np.foo(array) usually won't complain if you give them a Python list, they will convert it to an NumPy array silently. But if you try to invoke a method contained in the object, like array.foo() then of course it has to have the appropriate type already.
22.10.2016 · Hello, I think I have all the dependencies in place, I can launch python (version 2.7) and successfully import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import scipy.io import argparse import struct import time import cv2 import os However, wh...
Nov 17, 2021 · To Solve Type Conversion in python AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'astype' Error df ['a'] [1] will return the actual value inside the array, at the position 1, which is in fact a string. You can convert it by using float (df ['a'] [1]). Solution 1
(np.int)) / 100 AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'astype' ... you have some raw You can use asType(float) to convert string to float in Pandas.
Dec 18, 2021 · solve the Attribute error 'float' object has no attribute 'split' in python split is being used here as a method of Python's built-in str class. Your error indicates one or more values in df ['content'] is of type float. This could be because there is a null value, i.e. NaN, or a non-null float value. Method 1 The error points to this line: Python