Python AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘split’ Solution. Python list is a built-in data structure that stores its elements in sequential order. And if we wish to convert a Python string to a list object, we can apply the spilt () method on the string and convert it into a list of strings. But if we try to call the split ...
The statement file.readlines() returns a list of lines, so you can not apply the method split(' ') on a list, you have to iterate all lines of the list using for loop and apply the function split(' ') on each line inside the loop.
18.12.2021 · Method 2. split () is a python method which is only applicable to strings. It seems that your column “content” not only contains strings but also other values like floats to which you cannot apply the .split () mehthod. Try converting the values to a string by using str (x).split () or by converting the entire column to strings first, which ...
Attribute Error: 'list' object has no attribute 'split'. Asked 7 Months ago Answers: 5 Viewed 248 times. I am trying read a file and split a cell in each ...
The split() method attributeerror: 'list' object has no attribute 'split' This error tells us we are trying to use a function that is not available on lists.
May 05, 2015 · So, everything has to go inside a loop over every line in the file, and do the split into x and y once for each line. Like this: def getQuakeData (): filename = input ("Please enter the quake file: ") readfile = open (filename, "r") for line in readfile: Type = line.split (",") x = Type [1] y = Type [2] print (x,y) getQuakeData () As a side ...
Dec 17, 2021 · Each element in the list has the newline character \ n to signify that each element is on a new line in the CSV file. We cannot separate a list into multiple lists using the split function, and the list object does not have split as an attribute.
Attribute Error: 'list' object has no attribute 'split'. I am trying read a file and split a cell in each line by a comma and then display only the first ...
17.12.2021 · Each element in the list has the newline character \ n to signify that each element is on a new line in the CSV file. We cannot separate a list into multiple lists using the split function, and the list object does not have split as an attribute. We need to iterate over the strings in the list and then use the split method on each string.
15.11.2014 · Using Python I don't understand what the problem is with my coding! I get this error: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'split This is …
Nov 20, 2021 · Python AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘split’ Solution. Python list is a built-in data structure that stores its elements in sequential order. And if we wish to convert a Python string to a list object, we can apply the spilt () method on the string and convert it into a list of strings. But if we try to call the split ...
Nov 15, 2014 · Using Python I don't understand what the problem is with my coding! I get this error: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'split This is my code: myList = ['hello'] myList.sp...
04.05.2015 · So, everything has to go inside a loop over every line in the file, and do the split into x and y once for each line. Like this: def getQuakeData (): filename = input ("Please enter the quake file: ") readfile = open (filename, "r") for line in readfile: Type = line.split (",") x = Type [1] y = Type [2] print (x,y) getQuakeData () As a side ...