(Jul-27-2018, 02:12 PM) DomClout Wrote: I use Python 3.7.0 on my computer, but my colleague used 2.7 on his. Should I downgrade back to 2.7 to fit his version?No need to downgrade,you just install 2.7 and do add to Path under installation.
24.05.2017 · AttributeError: module 'pandas.core.base' has no attribute 'FrozenNDArray' After workaround 2, files load. It seems that in my case this is more of a question for joblib devs.
Jun 01, 2017 · AttributeError: module 'pandas.core.base' has no attribute 'FrozenNDArray' After the second workaround, archives load. Apparently, this is pandas issue, as it happens also when pickling (before) and unpickling (after updating to 0.20.1) pandas dataframes.
AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'FrozenNDArray' on <module 'pandas.core.indexes.frozen' when trying to load it in pandas 1.0.3 (still on Python 3.6). ... pandas.core.base.DataError: No numeric types to aggregate hot 89.
Feb 03, 2020 · However, I cannot read them with the latest Pandas (1.0.0, as printed by pandas.version). I get the following error: AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'FrozenNDArray' on <module 'pandas.core.indexes.frozen' from 'local/virtualenv.../' It seems the FrozenNDArray class has been
01.06.2017 · AttributeError: module 'pandas.core.base' has no attribute 'FrozenNDArray' After the second workaround, archives load. Apparently, this is pandas issue, as it happens also when pickling (before) and unpickling (after updating to 0.20.1) pandas dataframes.
Apr 05, 2011 · Especially concerning the 'impot copy' part that is shown on the execution log. If I'm right, you have an import copy after your import pandas as pd in your test.py file. I think, since copy is also a keyword used in pandas, maybe the name of your copy.py is messing something with pandas.
06.05.2020 · On Pandas 0.25, the df1, df2, and dict12 all are read/loaded. But on Pandas 1.0, the df1 and df2 read in, but the dict12 is not loaded and I get the error: AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'FrozenNDArray' on <module 'pandas.core.indexes.frozen' from 'C:\\Users\\sjp\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\pandas\\core\\indexes\\frozen.py'>
02.06.2020 · AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'FrozenNDArray' on <module 'pandas.core.indexes.frozen' when trying to load it in pandas 1.0.3 ... #31988. This comment in the original rationale for getting rid of FrozenNDArray mentions pandas.compat.pickle_compat.py, which seems relevant: #9031 (comment) Originally posted …
02.02.2020 · AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'FrozenNDArray' on <module 'pandas.core.indexes.frozen' from 'local/virtualenv.../' It seems the FrozenNDArray class has been removed in 1.0.0, so how can I recover the dataframes? Some searches point to pandas.read_pickle, but nothing equivalent for shelve.
May 24, 2017 · AttributeError: module 'pandas.core.base' has no attribute 'FrozenNDArray' After workaround 2, files load. It seems that in my case this is more of a question for joblib devs.
The default dtype will change from float64 to object in future releases so that it is consistent with the behaviour of DataFrame and Index. pandas 1.0.0. In [1]: pd.Series() Out [2]: DeprecationWarning: The default dtype for empty Series will be 'object' instead of 'float64' in a future version.