19.03.2019 · requests.get returns a Request object, which has no replace method. If you want to use the string replace method, you need to get the text attribute of the Request object, and use replace on that. I wish you happiness. It may be off topic but would anyone be so kind to give me further explanations on lines 36-42.
02.09.2015 · I am getting a bizarre AttributeError: 'Request' object has no attribute 'method' Here is the original code: class ModularSpider ... 'Request' object has no attribute 'method' Here is the original ... response): print 10 * "$", response.url import pdb pdb.set_trace() r = Request(url=response.url ...
AttributeError: 'Response' object has no attribute 'body_as_unicode' scrapy ... from scrapy.selector import Selector from scrapy.http import Request from ...
Imported requests and json, but reported "AttributeError: 'Response' object has no attribute 'json'" at runtime Later saw a similar error on stackflow.
03.09.2018 · Assuming you are using Requests library, the Response object does not have a get method. The link given explains the attributes and methods of Response object. If you want to read response, actual data you should be looking into either content, json or text.
If I try to do town.content.text, then it says AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'text' That's the town.content as string: b'"That town does not exist!"'
05.12.2017 · requests.get returns a response object which can be read with the content attribute. In your code you try then to open the requests response object with urlopen and then read that. Try this on line 16 instead. imageFile.write(r1.content)