It looks to me, like some code is trying to handle a tf-tensor as if it was a np-array. Tensors don't have a shape attribute, since their shape is stored as a more complicated object. If you want to get the information, you are used to from np, you'd have to call my_tensor.get_shape ().as_list ().
First of all, thank you for your marvellous publication and also for open-sourcing your code. I've been trying out your code with my own datasets and came across ...
It looks to me, like some code is trying to handle a tf-tensor as if it was a np-array. Tensors don't have a shape attribute, since their shape is stored as a more complicated object. If you want to get the information, you are used to from np, you'd have to call my_tensor.get_shape ().as_list ().
24.07.2018 · Keras AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'ndim' 2 Input tensors to a Model must come from `tf.layers.Input` when I concatenate two models with Keras API on Tensorflow
AttributeError: ‘Tensor’ object has no attribute ‘_datatype_enum’ and then. AttributeError: ‘ProgbarLogger’ object has no attribute ‘log_values’ when I add the following callback to the list of callbacks of my_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.LambdaCallback(on_batch_begin=lambda batch, logs: …
I am trying to convert the shape property of a Tensor in Tensorflow 2.1 and I get this error:AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'numpy' I ...
Dec 26, 2016 · AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'cpu_count' when running drscotthawley/panotti#6 Closed Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub .
09.07.2021 · AttributeError: ‘TensorVariable’ object has no attribute ‘rank’ Here are my imports import theano.tensor as T import numpy as np import theano from tensorflow.keras import backend as K from keras.engine.topology import Layer from theano.sandbox.rng_mrg import MRG_RandomStreams as RandomStreams floatX = theano.config.floatX
python - TensorFlow: AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'shape'. I have the following code which uses TensorFlow. After I reshape a list, it says.
AttributeError: ‘Tensor’ object has no attribute ‘_datatype_enum’ and then. AttributeError: ‘ProgbarLogger’ object has no attribute ‘log_values’ when I add the following callback to the list of callbacks of my_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.LambdaCallback(on_batch_begin=lambda batch, logs: tf.print(my_model.losses))
There are a lot of questions and answers about the same problem. Unfortunately, they didn't work for ... keras-problem-attributeerror-tensor-object-has-no- ...
Nov 19, 2021 · UPDATE: Note that eager execution is enabled by default in TensorFlow 2.0. So the answer above applies only to TensorFlow 1.x. Solution 2. This can also happen in TF2.0 if your code is wrapped in a @tf.function or inside a Keras layer.
19.11.2021 · UPDATE: Note that eager execution is enabled by default in TensorFlow 2.0. So the answer above applies only to TensorFlow 1.x. Solution 2. This can also happen in TF2.0 if your code is wrapped in a @tf.function or inside a Keras layer.
You should use the Tensor.get_shape () method instead: train_data = tf.reshape (train_data, [400, 1]) print "train_data.shape: " + str (train_data.get_shape ()) Note that in general you might not be able to get the actual shape of the result of a TensorFlow operation. In some cases, the shape will be a computed value that depends on running the ...
Jul 03, 2017 · I looked for all the "'Tensor' object has no attribute ***" but none seems related to Keras (except for TensorFlow: AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'log10' which didn't help)... I am making a sort of GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks). Here you can find the structure.
Sep 03, 2019 · AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'local_scope' #14. Closed lixinyuu opened this issue Sep 3, ... 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'local_scope' ...
03.07.2017 · I looked for all the "'Tensor' object has no attribute ***" but none seems related to Keras (except for TensorFlow: AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'log10' which didn't help)... I am making a sort of GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks). Here you can find the …