python - AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute ... › questions › 17290114Jun 25, 2013 · 5 Answers5. Show activity on this post. You return four variables s1,s2,s3,s4 and receive them using a single variable obj. This is what is called a tuple, obj is associated with 4 values, the values of s1,s2,s3,s4. So, use index as you use in a list to get the value you want, in order. obj=list_benefits () print obj [0] + " is a benefit of ...
Bert for passage reranking · Issue #580 · huggingface ... › huggingface › transformersMay 03, 2019 · For example for a batch size of 64 and 512 tokens we obtain for BERT an output of size (64x512x768). The pooler output has size (batch_size, hidden_size). This output is obtained training a linear layer with tanh activation function which had as input the CLS token hidden state (last layer hidden-state of the first oken of the sequence). Those weights have been trained from the next sentence prediction.