03.12.2014 · for key, value in config.items(): try: DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError("Unsupported argument '{0}'".format(key) Neither pool_name or pool_size are present in the DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION dictionary.
File containing the SSL certificate file. ssl_disabled, False, True disables SSL/TLS usage. The TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 connection protocols are deprecated as ...
I have also tried 'ssl_disabled': True, # that is an actual boolean rather than string... Same result. Running django 3 and python 3.7.4. Thanks,. -- Steve.
With this worklog a deprecation warning is raised in Connector/Python when TLSv1 or TLSv1.1 versions are being used, notifying the user that these versions will be removed in a future release. 3 contributors. Users who have contributed to this …
The connect() constructor creates a connection to the MySQL server and returns a MySQLConnection object. ... Section 7.1, “Connector/Python Connection Arguments” ...
Argument can be a hostname or an IP address. unix_socket – Use a unix socket rather than ... ssl_disabled – A boolean value that disables usage of TLS.
25.06.2019 · Show activity on this post. As the original poster mentioned in his comment the way it could be done in Python is by using pip install mysql-connector-python and then employ the ssl_disabled key. mysql.connect (host=HOST, database=DATABASE, port=PORT, user=USER, password=PASSWORD, ssl_disabled=True/False) So the code would look like this: '''.
The behavior of Connector/ODBC can be also modified by using special option parameters listed in Table 5.3, “Connector/ODBC Option Parameters”, specified in the connection string or through the GUI dialog box.All of the connection parameters also have their own numeric constant values, which can be added up as a combined value for the option parameter for specifying those …
... in config ', '.join(missing_attrs))) AttributeError: Missing SSL argument(s): ssl_cert, ssl_key Expected results: A TLS connection is established with ...
ssl_ca: File containing the SSL certificate authority. ssl_cert: File containing the SSL certificate file. ssl_disabled: False: True disables SSL/TLS usage. The TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 connection protocols are deprecated as of Connector/Python 8.0.26 and removed as …
18.07.2021 · History. This worklog defines how Connector Python Classic protocol will support and implement query attributes that apply to statements sent to the server for execution and available on MySQL v8.0.25 and up. The query attributes are additional fragments of data that consists of a value, a type of value and a name that can be used to access ...
16.12.2019 · A Computer Science portal for geeks. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions.