@Andersson007 I assume this is what you meant.. @ojc97 yep If i understand correctly your controller is on MacOS and you want your playbook to run on your controller and connect to the remote postgres via psycopg2, correct? If yes, i don't see in your example the task was delegated to your controller, e.g. via delegate_to: localhost. Also in this case you need to install psycopg2 …
28.10.2020 · This script is supposed to process one word at a time from a file, where each word is on its own line in the file. Most of the time it works, but sometimes a 'NoneType' object is passed to process_chunk, and this error is thrown: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split' I based my code off of [this template] [1].
2 days ago · 1. It's because one of your model.fit arguments (train_ds, test_ds, callbacks) has None value. You should try printing them out to see which one. Once you find out, could you post the code where that argument value is assigned? – tax evader.
10.09.2020 · AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_alive' Member FabianIsensee commented on Sep 10, 2020 Hi, You can ignore the is_alive errors. That is just the data loader dying. As I said in my previous post, please pip uninstall torch and then reinstall an older version of pytorch that is supported with your driver Best Fabian …
08.12.2016 · NoneType means that instead of an instance of whatever Class or Object you think you're working with, you've actually got None. That usually means that an assignment or function call up above failed or returned an unexpected result.
22.08.2017 · AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'connection_pool' mattrobenolt commented on Aug 22, 2017 It seems you reported this in the wrong repo. But the problem is redis-py released an API breaking change in a patch version release. 2.10.5 ->2.10.6.
Jul 29, 2013 · I need to read a field in an object, which is purchase.order, from another object product.product This field is a selection type field, so if this field has si is selected then do _get_product_available_func(('done')) which is a function already declared in product.product
Dec 09, 2016 · NoneType means that instead of an instance of whatever Class or Object you think you're working with, you've actually got None. That usually means that an assignment or function call up above failed or returned an unexpected result. See reference. So, you can do something like this.
03.02.2022 · “AttributeError Nonetype object has no attribute group” is the error raised by the python interpreter when it fails to fetch or access “group attribute” from any class. The reason for that may be that it is not defined within the class or maybe privately expressed, so the external objects cannot access it.
2 dager siden · 1. It's because one of your model.fit arguments (train_ds, test_ds, callbacks) has None value. You should try printing them out to see which one. Once you find out, could you post the code where that argument value is assigned? – tax evader.
Feb 03, 2022 · “AttributeError Nonetype object has no attribute group” is the error raised by the python interpreter when it fails to fetch or access “group attribute” from any class. The reason for that may be that it is not defined within the class or maybe privately expressed, so the external objects cannot access it.