Urban Dictionary: AWOL
www.urbandictionary.com › defineJan 25, 2005 · AWOL. Absent Without Official Leave: A term used in the United States Military to describe a soldier or other military member who has left his or her post without permission (usually in disagreement with a particular order).
AWOL - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/AWOLAWOL An acronym for "absent without leave," referring to someone or something that has gone missing suddenly and without warning. It is originally a military phrase for one who leaves their post or duties without permission but without intention to desert. In colloquial usage, it can be used as an adverb or an adjective.
AWOL Meaning | Idioms Online
https://www.idioms.online/awol-meaningAWOL or A-W-O-L is an abbreviation for absent without leave. This term and its pronunciation as an acronym, as we know it today, originated in the United States Military during World War I although there are unsubstantiated claims that it originated earlier, such as during the Civil War.