Awx Docker Compose - · AWX in Docker was installed using docker-compose, not pure docker. Docker-compose builds upon the docker itself and is a tool used for multi-container application deployment. If you are trying to use podman, I presume you would need to install podman-compose, and play around with AWX installation playbooks/scripts in order to replace docker.
Awx Docker Compose - › awx-docker-composeDec 24, 2021 · Awx Docker Compose Commands; Awx Docker Compose Tutorial; AWX needs a containerized environment to function. A couple of options that support AWX include Kubernetes, OpenShift and Docker Compose. In this guide, however, we are going to use Docker compose because it’s quite easy to set up and is resource friendly. Requirements for Ansible AWX.
Setting Up and Using AWX with docker-compose | Karim's Blog › 2018Dec 12, 2018 · Dec 12, 2018 / Karim Elatov / ansible, docker-compose AWX Configure the AWX installer Create a PostGreSQL Database Run the AWX installer Create a Sample Job to be Executed Using tower-cli AWX AWX is the open source version of Ansible Tower. There are good install instructions available at Installing AWX. It basically breaks down into 3 steps: