26.08.2021 · In this article. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) supports two types of authentication for service principals: password-based authentication (app secret) and certificate-based authentication.While app secrets can easily be created in the Azure portal, it's recommended that your application uses a certificate.
02.11.2021 · From App registrations in Azure AD, select your application. Select Certificates & secrets. Select Certificates > Upload certificate and select the certificate (an existing certificate or the self-signed certificate you exported). Select Add.
16.11.2021 · The owner of the application or Global Administrator or Application Administrator can update the certificates through Azure portal UI, PowerShell or Microsoft Graph. I need more details about certificate signing options In Azure AD, you can set up certificate signing options and the certificate signing algorithm.
29.12.2021 · Certificate-based authentication enables you to be authenticated by Azure Active Directory with a client certificate on a Windows, Android, or iOS device when connecting your Exchange online account to: Microsoft mobile applications such as Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) clients
Issuing Certificates for Azure Users with SecureW2 · Create a SAML Application in Azure · Add a SAML IDP in SecureW2 · Add Users to SAML · Allow App ...