After logging in, select Azure Active Directory on the left side and click on Enterprise applications. In our case, we assigned some users in groups to the Box ...
03.03.2020 · Problem When we want to delete an Azure AD,one of the steps is to delete all enterprise applications in that directory. AAD Remove Check But some applicatons like Azure DevOps can not delete directly (Option not available). DevOps Delete Options Solution With PowerShell Create a new user in Azure AD with a role of Global administrator.
05.01.2021 · Enterprise Applications -> All Applications -> "Application Type - Enterprise Application", "Application Status - Enabled" Lastly, you can always try installing the AzureAD PowerShell modules onto your current PC, get a full list of AzureADServicePrincipals , see if there are any that you created that needs to be removed .
26.08.2021 · To delete an application, be listed as an owner of the application or have admin privileges. Sign in to the Azure portal.; If you have access to multiple tenants, use the Directory + subscription filter in the top menu to select the tenant in which the app is registered.; Search and select the Azure Active Directory.; Under Manage, select App registrations and select the …