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MOCK EXAMINATION 1 - telc › telc_english_b2_uebungstest_1M., ENGLISH B2, Mock Examination 1, 2019 telc gGmbH, Frankfurt a. M., ENGLISH B2, Mock Examination 1, 2019 English B2 – Mock Examination 1 1 2 3 A man who has been in a coma for 19 years after a car crash woke up and started talking to his mother, who was sitting at his bedside. Terry Wallis began his return to consciousness slowly
Examination Preparation - telc › fileadmin › user_uploadM., ENGLISH B2 School, Mock Examination 1, 2018 telc gGmbH, Frankfurt a. M., ENGLISH B2 School, Mock Examination 1, 2018 7 Reading Comprehension English B2 School – Mock Examination 1 1 3 2 A mountain lion versus a Jack Russell terrier: Which animal would win the match? In this case it was the tiny terrier.