-Redemittel that you need for the oral part of the exam TELC B2 -example of a real test TELC B2 -word lists for all levels (A1-B2) –grammar overview (B2) ...
There are worksheets, interactive exercises and much more for every episode for learners starting from level B2. Interesting words (in German only). Wort der ...
Use this course to bring your knowledge about German grammar to an advanced level and feel confident in using grammatical structures. SUBSCRIBE. Test. Lessons.
German Grammar B2 German B2 16 Lessons approx. 800 Exercises Use this course to bring your knowledge about German grammar to an advanced level and feel confident in using grammatical structures.
15.11.2021 · The offers are aimed at learners who want to improve their German skills at level B2 of ... The "Video-Thema" presents interesting reports on …
German Intensive Course - B2.1 ... Here you can find all the important details on the topics, grammar, and vocab that you are going to cover in each level.
Level – A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | C1 | C2. What kind of topics and vocabulary fill our German courses in Berlin? What grammar you will learn, repeat and expand?
In a B2 German course in Berlin you will only be taught a few unknown structures with regard to German grammar, instead the grammar you have already learned at B1 level, will be intensified. In Kapitel Zwei Berlin, the B2 level is divided into …