PASSIVE VOICE | Baamboozle many countries, Labour day ... on May 1 every year. a. is celebrate b. is celebrated c. is celebrating d. celebrated. b. is celebrated. 25. Play all games with Baamboozle+. 6. Oxygen ... for a fire to burn. a. is requiring b. is requires c. requires d. is required. d. is required. 25. Rewrite the sentence into Passive: We won the match.
Passive Voice | Baamboozle › game › 735863Passive Voice | Baamboozle Game Code: 735863 English 16 Featured They clean the windows, the windows are cleaned. (padv2 u7) Show Hide Study Slideshow Edit youknowwho 2,527 #ESL #English #passive voice #active voice They clean the windows every week. 15 A guide will take you to your seat. 20
PASSIVE VOICE | Baamboozle › game › 874443A barber will cut Rich's hair. Rich will have his hair cut. 20. We believe that Alice will pass the driving test. It is believed that Alice will pass the driving test. / Alice is believed to pass the driving test. 25. People think that Maradona is the best football player in the 20th century. It is thought that Maradona is the best football ...
PASSIVE VOICE - Baamboozle › game › 9659Game Code: 9659. John cleaned the bathroom. The teacher closes the window. The window is closed by the teacher. Levi Strauss invented the blue jeans. The blue jeans were invented by Levi Strauss. The president was elected by the people. The people elected the president. The bag was packed by his mother.
PASSIVE VOICE - Baamboozle › game › 51081Play all games with Baamboozle+. 6. Oxygen ... for a fire to burn. a. is requiring b. is requires c. requires d. is required. d. is required. 25. Rewrite the sentence into Passive: We won the match. The match was won (by us). 20. Rewrite the sentence into Passive: She rode this horse.
PASSIVE VOICE | Baamboozle Code: 9659. John cleaned the bathroom. The teacher closes the window. The window is closed by the teacher. Levi Strauss invented the blue jeans. The blue jeans were invented by Levi Strauss. The president was elected by the people. The people elected the president. The bag was packed by his mother.