How to Backup vCenter Server Appliance - Veeam Software · VMware Best Practice shows to backup the database as regular maintenance. Then you would be able to restore the server from step 1, then restore the database to whichever point in time with the backup from step 2. To backup the VCSA with Veeam (step 1): Create a typical backup job. VMware Tools Quiescence is disabled on the job level.
File-Based Backup and Restore of vCenter Server › en › VMware-vSphereYou use the vCenter Server Interface to perform a file-based backup of the vCenter Server core configuration, inventory, and historical data of your choice. The backed-up data is streamed over FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SFTP, NFS, or SMB to a remote system. The backup is not stored on the vCenter Server. You can perform a file-based restore only for a vCenter Server that you have previously backed up by using the vCenter Server Interface
How to Back Up a vCenter Server Appliance: Quick Guide › blog › back-vcenter-server-applianceJul 31, 2017 · Back Up a vCenter Server Appliance: How-To. One of the downsides with earlier versions of the vCenter server appliance or VCSA was the lack of a native backup mechanism within the appliance to perform backups of your vCenter data. With VMware vSphere vCenter 6.5 and the new VCSA 6.5 appliance, we have the new native VMware backup software ability within the appliance VAMI interface to perform backups of our vCenter database, events, configuration, etc.