Baidu Baike - Wikipedia Baike is a semi-regulated Chinese-language collaborative online encyclopedia owned by the Chinese technology company Baidu. The beta version was launched on April 20, 2006, and the official version was launched on April 21, 2008, edited by registered users. As of July 2021, it has 23.82 million entries and more than 6.9 million editors. It has the largest number of entries in the w…
Baidu Baike – Wikipedia Baike (kinesisk: 百度百科, pinyin: Bǎidù bǎikē) er en kinesisk internettencyklopedi på standard mandarin i Folkerepublikken Kina som drives av søkemaskinselskapet Baidu.Baidu Baike har hatt en kolossal vekst i antall artikler, noe som blant annet tilskrives at Wikipedia gjennomgående sperres i Fastlands-Kina.Baidu Baike fungerer som et WikiMedia-lignende …
Baidu - Wikipedia offers several services to locate information, products and services using Chinese-language search terms, such as, search by Chinese phonetics, advanced search, snapshots, spell checker, stock quotes, news, knows, postbar, images, video and space information, and weather, train and flight schedules and other local information. The user-agent string of Baidu search engine is Baiduspider.