11 Beautiful Russian Words to Make You Fall in Love With the Language · Вдохновение (vdoh-no-ve-nie) / inspiration · Лелеять (le-le-yat') / cherish · Баюкать (ba- ...
24.09.2018 · This word is derived from the Russian word ‘breathe’. The verb вдохнуть originally meant ‘to take a breath’ or ‘to inhale’. It later adopted the meaning of ‘becoming inspired by something’, to literally feel a sudden, productive state of mind, which comes as quick as a breath. Лелеять (le-le-yat’) / cherish
"Спасибо" (spa-SI-ba). It means "thank you". The word originates from the phrase "спаси бог" - "god save [you]", though very few people think about it while ...
Russian has plenty of examples of words that are really quite poetic in the beauty and simplicity of their meanings. Below are seven of our favourites: Пороша – Po-ro-shaa Porosha is that perfect, untouched layer of powdery snow you see first thing in the morning, before it has been spoiled by people and animals trudging through it.
26.06.2017 · The Top 20 Beautiful Russian Words You Should Know 1. Mother Мама Mama Of course, this is one of the most beautiful Russian words. Well, in any language! Russian is not an exception. Most Russians consider [mama] the most beautiful word in the world. 2. Smile Улыбка Oolibka How do you say smile in Russian? Улыбка!
Unique Russian words pochemuchka почемучка: (n) one who asks too many questions Often used by parents as a term of endearment, ‘pochemuchka’ is a unique Russian word that denotes a curious kid who wants to know everything in the world and keeps asking ‘why?’ (‘почему?’). Before you become a pochemuchka, learn the Art of Asking perepodvypodvert
09.03.2017 · Russian also shares many words with Latin, French and German, so memorizing vocabulary is possible even without knowing another Slavic language — and the rest, well, it somehow sticks in your head over time! Moreover, Russian simply has character — and some really beautiful words. Here are some of my favorites so far: