Beilstein_database - › en › encyclopediaThe Beilstein database contains information on substances, including coverage of reactions, structures and properties. Up to 350 fields containing chemical and physical data (such as melting point, refractive index, and so on) are available for each substance. References to the literature in which substance data appears are also given.
Beilsteins test – Wikipedia test er en enkel kjemisk prøve brukt i kjemien som en kvalitativ prøve på halogener. Den ble utviklet av Friedrich Konrad Beilstein. I en test blir en kobbertråd renset og oppvarmet av en flamme fra en Bunsenbrennerfor å få et belegg av kobber(II)oksid. Den blir så dyppet i løsningen som skal testes og på nytt varmet i flammen. Dersom det er halogen i løsningen, vil det reagerer med kobberet, og flammen vil bli gr…
Beilstein test - Wikipedia › wiki › Beilstein_testIt was developed by Friedrich Konrad Beilstein. A copper wire is cleaned and heated in a Bunsen burner flame to form a coating of copper (II) oxide. It is then dipped in the sample to be tested and once again heated in a flame. A positive test is indicated by a green flame caused by the formation of a copper halide.
Beilstein database - Wikipedia › wiki › Beilstein_databaseThe Beilstein database is the largest database in the field of organic chemistry, in which compounds are uniquely identified by their Beilstein Registry Number.The database covers the scientific literature from 1771 to the present and contains experimentally validated information on millions of chemical reactions and substances from original scientific publications.