VIESSMANN FIS SKI JUMPING WORLD CUP MEN 2020/21 › image › uploadTV Media Evaluation - FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Men 2020/21 2 INTRODUCTION STUDY BRIEF SPONSORS Audi, Bergstern, Viessmann ANALYSIS PERIOD 2020/21 Season EVENT Viessmann FIS Ski Jumping World Cup (Men) MARKETS Austria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy,
What is Ski Jumping? › skiing › what-is-ski-jumpingSki jumping, widely considered to be one of the original extreme sports, is a competitive skiing event in which contestants ski down a steep curved ramp and look to build up speed in order to cover large distances through the air once they exit the ramp. The sport has been a part of the Winter Olympics since 1924, with hills and skier ...
VIESSMANN FIS SKI JUMPING WORLD CUP MEN 2019/20 › image › uploadTV Media Evaluation - FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Men 2019/20 2 INTRODUCTION STUDY BRIEF SPONSORS Audi, Bergstern, Viessmann ANALYSIS PERIOD 2019/20 Season EVENT Viessmann FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Men 2019/20 MARKETS Austria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy,
BERGSTERN - CHRONOLINE IKE Επίσημη Αντιπροσωπεία Ελλάδας ... › bergsternBergstern pays tribute to the determination to make dreams come true. In terms of ski jumping, this dedication is clearly outstanding. In 2019 , once again, Bergstern participated in the Championships as an Official Watch Sponsor, this time in 11 locations: Wisła, Ruka, Niżny Tagił, Titisee-Neustadt, Engelberg, Zakopane, Oslo, Lillehammer, Trondheim, Vikersund, Planica.
Bergstern / Zegarki / Apart Timing Sponsor Ski Jumping. Bergstern składa hołd determinacji w spełnianiu marzeń. W skokach narciarskich determinacja ta ma szczególną wymowność. W 2019 roku Bergstern po raz kolejny wziął udział w Mistrzostwach jako Oficjalny Partner Zegarkowy, tym razem w 11 miejscach: Wisła, Ruka, Niżny Tagił, ...
Bergstern | Swiss Watch › p › brandBergstern and Raw Air. Bergstern was FIS Timing Partner during the Raw Air, the most extreme and intense ski jumping tournament in the world. During Raw Air each contender faced 10 competitions in 10 days, which gives a total of 16 ski jumps. All this in harsh conditions – the spectacular tournament took place in Norway, famous for its raw ...