Dec 17, 2021 · All things considered, with its bundled apps and custom tools, Manjaro is a ready-to-use desktop distro that scores highly in both form and function, and is currently one of the most popular Linux...
05.08.2021 · Best Arch Linux Based Distribution. Without much further ado, let's shift gears and delve into some of the best and popular Arch-based Linux distributions in 2021. 1. Manjaro. Manjaro is a free and open-source Arch-distribution with …
14.09.2021 · ArchLabs Linux. 9. BlackArch Linux. 10. ArchBang Linux. Our Recommendation. Final Thoughts. Finally, I’ve decided to make a list of the best Arch-based Linux distros I’ve used and tried so far. I was a full-time Debian user.
08.07.2020 · While Arch Linux itself isn’t a good pick for beginners or even intermediate users in many cases, a lot of the distros based on it are definitely very user-friendly. Installing such a distro is a lot easier and even though you might lose some flexibility in the process, you’ll get a lot more accessibility in return.
26.02.2020 · A Linux part-time user since 1999, I was dual-booting Windows, and Mint Linux at one point, before trying Arch for a few years. I no longer felt like the distro I'm using gets in my way of doing things like Ubuntu felt every time I try it, but grew tired of Arch breaking what seemed like every other few updates.
17.12.2021 · The best Arch-based Linux distros provide impressive customizability. Arch adheres to a rolling release model, which means you can install it once and keep updating it till eternity.
Aug 05, 2021 · Best Arch Linux Based Distribution Without much further ado, let's shift gears and delve into some of the best and popular Arch-based Linux distributions in 2021. 1. Manjaro Manjaro is a free and open-source Arch-distribution with a focus on simplicity, accessibility, and usability.
Artix Linux, Manjaro, and Anarchy Linux are probably your best bets out of the 38 options considered. "No systemd" is the primary reason people pick Artix Linux over the competition. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision.