Boston University Online Individual Courses | BU Online › online › programsUndergraduate Courses. CASLC111 First-Semester Chinese. Essentials of structure, oral practice, introduction to the writing system.Effective Fall 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community. [4 credits] CASLJ385 Intensive Kanji. Intensive study of the 1006 Kanji to build additional ...
BU Hub » Academics | Boston University University’s General Education Program. The BU Hub, Boston University’s general education program, provides a common educational experience for all BU undergraduates.It offers them the opportunity to develop the breadth of knowledge, essential skills, and habits of mind that will enable them to be lifelong learners and leaders in a rapidly evolving, …
BU Hub - Boston University BU Hub is our University-wide general education program. In the Hub, students explore a broad array of disciplines and ways of thinking as they prepare to navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world. The Hub helps students develop six essential capacities—knowledge, skills, and habits of mind—that will equip them to thrive ...
Hub Class Recommendations : BostonU › r › BostonUMy hub requirements are as follows: 1 Unit of Ethical Reasoning. 2 Units of Writing Intensive Courses. 1 Unit of Philosophic Inquiry and Life's meanings. If there's any hub class you guys know of which is easy and satisfies most or half of those, please let me know! Thanks in advance.
Hub Courses | BU Hub of Hub Courses. Below you will find a list of all of the courses that carry Hub units. To explore courses further, please see the Bulletin.You can also use the BU Course Search to search the entire database of Boston University courses by keywords, and you can filter your search by semester, by college, and/or by Hub area(s). In addition, you can find information about Hub …
Journalism » Academics | Boston University › academics › comThe class emphasizes news judgment, storytelling and reporting skills as well as writing clearly and quickly. Effective Fall 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Writing- Intensive Course, Critical Thinking, Research and Information Literacy.
Hub Requirements for Students - BU › hub › advising-and-the-hubHub Requirements for Students. The BU Hub offers students multiple pathways to fulfill their general education requirements. The Hub does not require that students take a specific set of courses, but rather encourages them to explore their interests while integrating Hub requirements with their undergraduate studies.
BU Hub Suggested Classes? : BostonU - reddit › r › BostonUThe BU hub is a new program, where only the freshman are currently under it. The core curriculum is a way of meeting the BU hub requirements in a structured format. I’m currently a freshman and one class I found really interesting you may like is “Catastrophe and Memory” cross listed as both HI221 and PO394.