IELTS Speaking - Apps on Google Play › store › appsThe IELTS Speaking app provides helpful tips, examples to practice exercises and interactive lessons to help you improve capabilities in addressing and resolving at each typical task. By following tips and practicing diligently you will gain expected score at IELTS test. Written bases on sample essay shared by high-scoring candidates in real ...
IELTS Speaking - Apps on Google Play › store › appsIELTS Speaking FAQ In this application, you'll find all sorts of speaking questions, topics, vocabularies, tips and sample tests that will help you to improve your speaking skills for the exam. Take the three parts of this practice test one after another without a break to make your practice as realistic as possible.
IELTS Speaking | IELTSpractice Practice. You’re bound to be nervous as you walk in to your IELTS Speaking test. That’s why we have prepared a Speaking Part 2 simulator which provides a mock IELTS Speaking test. An examiner will show you a task card and give you a minute to prepare. You then speak on your topic for one to two minutes.