10 Best Python IDE & Code Editors in 2022 [Updated]
https://hackr.io/blog/best-python-ide30.11.2021 · Pydev is a plugin that allows Eclipse to be used as a Python IDE that also supports Jython and IronPython. Pydev uses advanced inference techniques to provide elements such as code completion and code analysis. The IDE also provides the following features: debugger, Django, an interactive console, basic syntax highlighting, code coverage, etc.
Best Lightweight Ide for Python - ObizTools.com
obiztools.com › best-lightweight-ide-for-pythonFeb 03, 2010 · Spyder is another great cross-platform and open-source Python IDE. It is also known as Scientific Python Development IDE and is the most lightweight Python IDE. It is mostly exercised by data scientists who can incorporate with SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, NumPy, IPython, SymPy, Cython, and other such open-source software. It comprises Anaconda package manager distribution and has some helpful advanced traits such as debug, edit, and data exploration.