Models & datasets | TensorFlow & datasets. Explore repositories and other resources to find available models, modules and datasets created by the TensorFlow community. TensorFlow Hub. A comprehensive repository of trained models ready for fine-tuning and deployable anywhere. Explore
Models & datasets | TensorFlow › resourcesModels & datasets. Explore repositories and other resources to find available models, modules and datasets created by the TensorFlow community. TensorFlow Hub. A comprehensive repository of trained models ready for fine-tuning and deployable anywhere. Explore
Hosted models | TensorFlow Lite › lite › guideJan 28, 2021 · The following is an incomplete list of pre-trained models optimized to work with TensorFlow Lite. To get started choosing a model, visit Models page with end-to-end examples, or pick a TensorFlow Lite model from TensorFlow Hub. Note: The best model for a given application depends on your requirements. For example, some applications might ...
Hosted models | TensorFlow Lite · Note: The model files include both TF Lite FlatBuffer and Tensorflow frozen Graph. Note: Performance numbers were benchmarked on Pixel-3 (Android 10). Accuracy numbers were computed using the TFLite image classification evaluation tool. Floating point models. Floating point models offer the best accuracy, at the expense of model size and performance.
TensorFlow Models › ai › ai_tensorflow_ex2_modelSequential ML Model. const model = tf.sequential(); creates a Sequential ML Model. In a sequential model, the input flows directly to the output. Other models can have multiple inputs and multiple outputs. Sequential is the easiest ML model. It allows you to build a model layer by layer, with weights that correspond to the next layer ...