The FrankerFaceZ Add-On Pack
https://ffzap.comFormerly known as "BetterTTV Emotes for FrankerFaceZ", this extension is aiming to be more modular and thus support not just BTTV but also other services easily. As of version 2.0.0 it supports BetterTTV emotes in a better way than BTTV4FFZ could have ever done. Stay tuned for more addons and functionality in the future!
https://www.frankerfacez.comWe're currently working on getting FrankerFaceZ restored on the Chrome Web Store. In the meantime, you can use the User Script version without losing any functionality by following these simple instructions:
The FrankerFaceZ Add-On Pack
ffzap.comFormerly known as "BetterTTV Emotes for FrankerFaceZ", this extension is aiming to be more modular and thus support not just BTTV but also other services easily. As of version 2.0.0 it supports BetterTTV emotes in a better way than BTTV4FFZ could have ever done. Stay tuned for more addons and functionality in the future!