Schema Markup Tester - Checker and comparison tool
https://schemamarkup.netSchema Markup viewing and Comparison tool. With the schema testing and comparison tool you could scan two pages, For example: between Yours and your competitor, or between pages of your own website, pages on your competitor website, and see a detailed comparison between the schemas found on these pages and with that opportunity for relevant schemas to add.
Bing Webmaster Tools › webmasters › helpThe purpose of this tool is to help you understand if you have implemented your selected structured markup language in a way which allows Bing to read the information properly. This tool can be used on any URL to view the special markup applied in the page's source code.
Bing Webmaster Tools › webmasters › helpBing understands two additional annotation types:, an extension of the traditional Microdata annotations covering a wide variety of data types. Although's data types differ from the Microdata data types described on these pages, the annotation techniques described here can be applied to annotations.