2020 Impact Factors - Released
www.mdpi.com › about › announcementsJun 30, 2021 · The 2020 citation metrics have been officially released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR)! We are pleased to announce that 85 MDPI journals are included, of which: 10 journals received their first impact factor 96% of journals increased their impact factor from 2019
2020 Impact Factors - Released
https://www.mdpi.com/about/announcements/284430.06.2021 · 30 June 20212020 Impact Factors - Released. The 2020 citation metrics have been officially released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR)! We are pleased to announce that 85 MDPI journals are included, of which: 10 journals received their first impact factor. 96% of journals increased their impact factor from 2019.
Bioengineering | An Open Access Journal from MDPI
https://www.mdpi.com/journal/bioengineeringBioengineering is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and technology of bioengineering, published monthly online by MDPI.The Society for Regenerative Medicine (Russian Federation) (RPO) is affiliated with Bioengineering and its members receive discounts on the article processing charges.. Open Access — free for readers, with article …