Bioinorganic Chemistry | SpringerLink chemistry is primarily concerned with the role of metal atoms in biology and is a very active research field. However, even though such important structures of metalloenzymes are known, as the MoFeCo of nitrogenase, Cu or Mn superoxide dismutase and plastocyanin, the synthetic routes to the modelling of such centers remains a matter of acute scientific interest.
The Bioinorganic Chemistry of Iron - Alison Butler › grant › NIHFeb 01, 2003 · Iron is a limiting nutrient to marine microorganisms over much of the world's oceans at a concentration of 0.02-1 nM in surface seawater, whereas molybdenum and vanadium are the two most abundant transition metal ions at 100 nM and 20-35 nM, respectively. In the previous grant period the Principal Investigator discovered a new class of self ...