Biomacromolecular Journal - BMMJ
www.bmmj.orgBiomacromolecular Journal (BMMJ; ISSN:7280-2423) is an international and interdisciplinary journal covering investigations on the interactions of all macromolecules with biological systems.
Biomacromolecular Journal - BMMJ
www.bmmj.orgBiomacromolecular Journal (BMMJ; ISSN:7280-2423) is an international and interdisciplinary journal covering investigations on the interactions of all macromolecules with biological systems.
Biomacromolecules an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research focused on the science occuring at the interface of polymer science and biological sciences. The emphasis will be on fundamental and applied papers that integrate knowledge in both polymer science and the biological sciences.
Biomacromolecules special issue of Biomacromolecules highlights research from The International Polymer Colloid Group (IPCG), which was founded in 1972 as a forum for the exchange of ideas and emerging research activities for scientists and engineers from both academia and industry who study or use polymer colloids.
Macromolecules - › journal › mamobxContinue. STEP 1: Login with ACS ID Logged in Success. Click to create an ACS ID. STEP 2: Login with Mendeley Logged in Success. Create a Mendeley account. Please note: If you switch to a different device, you may be asked to login again with only your ACS ID.
Biomacromolecules › journal › bomaf6This special issue of Biomacromolecules highlights research from The International Polymer Colloid Group (IPCG), which was founded in 1972 as a forum for the exchange of ideas and emerging research activities for scientists and engineers from both academia and industry who study or use polymer colloids.
Biomacromolecules Impact Factor IF 2021|2020 - Bioxbio › journalYear, Bioxbio Journal Impact*, IF, Total Articles, Total Cites. 2020/2021, -, 6.988, 478, 45724. 2019, -, 6.092, 427, 38863. 2018, -, 5.667, 437, 37954.
Biomacromolecules › page › bomaf6Biomacromoleculesis an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research focused on the science occuring at the interface of polymer science and biological sciences. The emphasis will be on fundamental and applied papers that integrate knowledge in both polymer science and the biological sciences.