Bioscience Research - › Bioscience_ResearchServing the world wide scientific community since 2004 ----- Bioscience Research is in 15th year of publication -----Bioscience Research on Scimago Journal & Country Rank powered by Scopus --- IPP = 0.55, SNIPP=0.949, h index = 4, Rank = Q4 TOP news- Biosceince Research added in Emerging Source Citation Index (ISI web of Science) from 2018
Bioscience Research Back issues - the world wide scientific community since 2004 ----- Bioscience Research is in 15th year of publication -----Bioscience Research on Scimago Journal & Country Rank powered by Scopus --- IPP = 0.55, SNIPP=0.949, h index = 4, Rank = Q4 TOP news- Biosceince Research added in Emerging Source Citation Index (ISI web of Science) from 2018
BioScience | Oxford Academic articles from BioScience. The journal's latest impact factor has increased to 8.589! Celebrate our growing impact by reading a new research collection of the most cited, most read, and most talked about articles published by BioScience in recent years.Featured articles are freely available online until 31st January 2022.
Bioscience Research Back issues - › BR_All_issuesServing the world wide scientific community since 2004 ----- Bioscience Research is in 15th year of publication -----Bioscience Research on Scimago Journal & Country Rank powered by Scopus --- IPP = 0.55, SNIPP=0.949, h index = 4, Rank = Q4 TOP news- Biosceince Research added in Emerging Source Citation Index (ISI web of Science) from 2018
Bioscience Research Institute
https://www.fbscience.comScience Citation Index Expanded: 4.009 Scopus: CiteScore 6.2. Frequency: 12 issues/year Submission to First Decision: 30 days Submission to Publication: 50-70 days. High Visibility: Indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), MEDLINE (PubMed), Scopus, Current Contents - Life Sciences, Zoological Record, BIOSIS Previews, Index Medicus, Research …
Bioscience Research 18(2) 2021 - › BR-18/2/2021RESEARCH ARTICLE BIOSCIENCE RESEARCH, 2021 18 (2): 1826 -1837. OPEN ACCESS. Production, Purification, Characterization and Kinetic studies of Phytase from Enterococcus and Streptococcus spp using submerged fermentation. Wajeeha Mehak1, Syeda M Rubab Zahra2, Zahid Hussain3, Momina Shahid4 and Breera Shahid5.
What is Bioscience? | BioOhio research is thriving within academic institutions and health systems, with many groundbreaking concepts being developed by teachers, physicians, and caregivers. Specific NAICS fields in this subsector: Research and Development in Biotechnology, Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences, and Research and Development in …
Research – Turku Bioscience Flagship Visiting Professors. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Mark Ansel. Director of Advanced Imaging Center (AIC), Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus. Teng-Leong Chew. Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet.
Bioscience Research - SCImago Journal Rank › journalsearchThe SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals ...
Bioscience Research › BR_editorial_boardServing the world wide scientific community since 2004 ----- Bioscience Research is in 15th year of publication -----Bioscience Research on Scimago Journal & Country Rank powered by Scopus --- IPP = 0.55, SNIPP=0.949, h index = 4, Rank = Q4 TOP news- Biosceince Research added in Emerging Source Citation Index (ISI web of Science) from 2018