7 Efek Samping KB Spiral (IUD) yang Anda Harus Tahu ...
https://www.honestdocs.id/7-efek-samping-kb-spiral-iudAda banyak jenis atau metode kontrasepsi untuk mencegah kehamilan: mulai dari pil KB, KB suntik, kondom, susuk, hingga KB spiral (IUD).Banyak wanita yang takut saat disarankan untuk menggunakan KB spiral, seperti takut terkena infeksi, rasa sakit, tetap hamil (kebobolan), spiral lepas sendiri, dikomplain pasangan, dan masih banyak jenis keluhan lainnya yang terkait efek …
Intrauterine device - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrauterine_deviceAn intrauterine device (IUD), also known as intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD or ICD) or coil, is a small, often T-shaped birth control device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. IUDs are one form of long-acting reversible birth control (LARC). One study found that female family planning providers choose LARC methods more often (41.7%) than the general public (12.1%). Among birth control methods, IUDs, along with other contraceptive implants, result in the greatest …