The Cloudflare Blog
blog.cloudflare.comDec 16, 2021 · Cloudflare Is reducing the environmental impact of web searches with 20+ billions crawler hints delivered so far. This blog describes the technical solution of how we built the Crawler Hints system that makes all this possible.... Matt Boyle.
The Cloudflare Blog
https://blog.cloudflare.com16.12.2021 · Cloudflare Is reducing the environmental impact of web searches with 20+ billions crawler hints delivered so far. This blog describes the technical solution of how we built the Crawler Hints system that makes all this possible.... Matt Boyle.
In 2021, the Internet went for TikTok, space and beyond · In 2021, the Internet went for TikTok, space and beyond. The years come and go, Internet traffic continues to grow (at least so far and with some ‘help’ from the pandemic ), and Internet applications, be they websites, IoT devices or mobile apps, continue to evolve throughout the year, depending on if they attract human beings.
Log4J - The Cloudflare Blog · How Cloudflare security responded to Log4j 2 vulnerability. December 10, 2021 11:39PM Vulnerabilities Security Log4J Log4Shell. Yesterday, December 9, 2021, when a serious vulnerability in the popular Java-based logging package log4j was publicly disclosed, our security teams jumped into action to help respond to the first question and answer the second question.