iRIS: Log In - Boston University
inspir.bu.eduCOVID-19 Policies: Research activities involving in-person interactions with subjects in BMC clinical space continue to require approval from the clinic in which interactions are being conducted. The IRB has posted a set of FAQs that provide guidance on the conduct of research during this period of COVID-19 restrictions.
Institutional Review Board - Boston University Medical Campus › irbthe boston medical center and boston university medical campus institutional review board (irb) provides ethical review of human subjects research to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects of research and to assure that human research is conducted according to applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and the relevant …
INSPIR II | Institutional Review Board II Overview and Announcements. Below are various resources for investigators to obtain information about INSPIR II. Submit a request for INSPIR II access (the form at this link should be filled out by those who do not have a BU or BMC username and password, or by those few who already have a BU or BMC username and password but still ...