BMI-kalkulator: Regn ut og forstå din BMI | I FORM - › ned-i-vekt › bmi-hva-betyr-bmi-talletBMI-tallet forteller om vekta er normal eller så høy eller lav at det går ... 12 år, BMI under 15,6, 15,6 – 21,6, 21,6 – 26,5, BMI over 26,5 ...
BMI 26 – Body mass index of 26 a BMI of 26, you are overweight. Being overweight increases your risk of developing coronary heart disease, as well as other health conditions such as diabetes. Being overweight can have a serious impact on health. Overweight can increase your risk of developing coronary heart disease.
BMI 26 – Body mass index of 26 › 26BMI 26 BMI 25 to 29.9 is Overweight You are a bit overweight compared to your height. You would benefit from finding healthy ways to lower your weight, such as diet and exercise. Individuals who fall in this range are at increased risk for a variety of illnesses. Check your waist circumference. Calculate your BMI now » Overweight
Is a bmi of 26 ok? - Quora (1 of 5): 26 is probably not anything to be seriously concerned about. The weakness of using a BMI as a health barometer, however, is in its simplicity—it cannot properly account for muscle mass because it is a straightforward calculation of height and weight. I …