BMI 28.8 – Body mass index of 28.8 › 28Overweight. With a BMI of 28.8 you have more body fat than is optimally healthy. You are overweight. Being overweight is a common condition, especially where food supplies are plentiful and lifestyles are sedentary. Lots of people think that being overweight is an appearance issue.
BMI-kalkulator: Regn ut og forstå din BMI | I FORM - › ned-i-vekt › bmi-hva-betyr-bmi-talletBMI-tallet forteller om vekta er normal eller så høy eller lav at det går ... 14 år, BMI under 16,9, 16,9 – 23,3, 23,3 – 28,4, BMI over 28,4.
BMI-Kalkulator - Regn ut din BMI
www.bmi-kalkulator.noBMI-Kalkulator. Body Mass Index ( BMI) (eller kroppsmasseindeks) er en formel som indikerer om en person er er over- eller undervektig eller har normal vekt. Formelen er ikke helt eksakt. BMI-verdien for kroppsbyggere og personer med tung benbygning kan ha en BMI verdi på over 25 uten å være overvektige.
BMI 28 kobiety. Co to oznacza?łość Body Mass Index wynoszące 28 to nadwaga Według tak zwanej poszerzonej klasyfikacji, w przypadku kobiet, wynik pomiędzy 25 – 29,99 to nadwaga I stopnia. Oczywiście - norma ta obliczana jest dla dorosłej kobiety o standardowej budowie ciała. BMI 28, jak łatwo zauważyć, znajduje się w środku tego przedziału.
BMI 28 – Body mass index of 28 a BMI of 28, you are overweight. Being overweight increases your risk of developing coronary heart disease, as well as other health conditions such as diabetes. Being overweight can have a serious impact on health. Overweight can increase your risk of developing coronary heart disease.