Authors - BMJ Quality & Safety Open Quality is the open access companion journal to BMJ Quality & Safety.It is indexed by PubMed Central, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Scopus, and covers all content in healthcare improvement work. The journal publishes original articles considered by peer reviewers to be coherent and technically sound, ensuring that the latest research is disseminated rapidly to a global audience.
BMJ Open Quality - Open access journal on improved ...
https://bmjopenquality.bmj.comBMJ Open Quality adheres to the highest possible industry standards concerning publication ethics. To read the journal's detailed guidelines please see our policies. Our website provides resources to support you in your quality improvement work such as templates to help you run and write up quality improvement projects.. BMJ Open Quality uses continuous publication online …
Authors - BMJ Quality & Safety › pages › authorsAuthors who submit to the BMJ Quality & Safety and are rejected will be offered the option of transferring to BMJ Open Quality. BMJ Open Quality is the open access companion journal to BMJ Quality & Safety. It is indexed by PubMed Central, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Scopus, and covers all content in healthcare improvement work.
Authors - BMJ Open Quality › pages › authorsBMJ Open Quality is an open access journal and levies an Article Publishing Charge (APC) as follows for each article type; these charges are exclusive of VAT for UK and EU authors . There are no submission, colour or page charges. Systematic review – £2,000. Narrative review – £2,000. Research & reporting methodology – £1,500.
BMJ Guidance for Authors › BMJ-InstructionsForAuthors-2018BMJ Guidance for Authors. ABOUT THE BMJ. Published without interruption since 1840, our mission is to lead the debate on . health and to engage, inform, and stimulate doctors, researchers, and other health professionals in ways that will improve outcomes for patients. To achieve these
Authors - BMJ Open Quality Open Quality is an open access journal and levies an Article Publishing Charge (APC) as follows for each article type; these charges are exclusive of VAT for UK and EU authors. There are no submission, colour or page charges. Systematic review – £2,000 Narrative review – £2,000 Research & reporting methodology – £1,500 Short report – £1,500
Authors - BMJ Open Open will consider appeals on rejected manuscripts provided the authors can demonstrate that the decision on their manuscript was flawed or not in line with the journal’s policies. For an appeal to be considered, authors must provide a detailed point-by-point response to all the concerns raised by the reviewers or editors involved with the manuscript.
Authors - BMJ Open › pages › authorsArticle processing charges. BMJ Open is an open access journal and levies an Article Processing Charge (APC) of 1,500 GBP (exclusive of VAT for UK and EU authors and GST for Australian and Indian authors) for all article types. There are no submission, colour or page charges.