Open Science | BMJ Open Science. Submissions from the SPRINT Data Analysis Challenge on clinical risk prediction: a cross-sectional evaluation. Cynthia A Jackevicius, JaeJin An, Dennis T Ko, Joseph S Ross, Suveen Angraal, Joshua D Wallach, Maria Koh, Jeeeun Song, Harlan M Krumholz. BMJ Open Mar 2019, 9 (3) e025936; DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025936.
Clinical impact of high-profile animal ... - BMJ Open Science › content › 4Objectives We evaluated animal-based biomedical ‘breakthroughs’ reported in the UK national press in 1995 (25 years prior to the conclusion of this study). Based on evidence of overspeculative reporting of biomedical research in other areas (eg, press releases and scientific papers), we specifically examined animal research in the media, asking, ‘In a given year, what proportion of ...
BMJ Open - Wikipedia › wiki › BMJ_OpenBMJ Open is a peer-reviewed open access medical journal that is dedicated to publishing medical research from all disciplines and therapeutic areas. It is published by BMJ and considers all research study types, from protocols through phase I trials to meta-analyses, including small, specialist studies, and negative studies.
About - BMJ Open Science · BMJ Open Science is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing preclinical and basic research that is close to medicine. Our mission is to improve the transparency, integrity and reproducibility of biomedical research. The scope is broad and covers the whole spectrum of preclinical and translational biomedical research.
Advanced Search | BMJ Open Science a term to search within all articles in this journal: e.g., stem cell. Hide. Limit Results. From. Through. Include articles in Journal: -- All Journals -- ADC - Education & Practice Edition ADC - Fetal & Neonatal Edition Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Archives of Disease in Childhood BJSM (British Journal of Sports Medicine) BMJ Case ...
Authors - BMJ Open Open is an open access journal dedicated exclusively to publishing medical research. The journal aims to provide rapid publication of research across a range of medical disciplines and therapeutic areas, through a continuous publication model.
BMJ Open Science - A journal for preclinical & basic research
openscience.bmj.comBMJ Open Science is a broad scope open access journal that covers the whole range of preclinical and translational biomedical research and meta-research.. Led by Dr Emily Sena (University of Edinburgh) and her international editorial team, BMJ Open Science encourages and rewards open research practices and transparency in publishing and reporting.